In the name of Allah I commence, and with it I finish. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. You are commenting using your Facebook account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Google account. My sufficiency is Allah, and what a great agent is He! And may the prayers of Allah be upon our master Muhammad and upon his folk and Companions, and give them peace. Created creatures are powerless with the ability of the Creator. Through You, O Allah, I protect myself from what lies within my power and what lies without. And may the prayers of Allah be upon our master Muhammad and upon his folk and Companions, and may He give them peace. There is no strength nor power except by Allah, the High, the Most Great. Now if they turn away O Muhammad say: Allah sufficeth me. Verily, my Lord is upon the straight path! Verily, Allah is my protector, who sent down the Book, and he looks after the righteous. O Allah, put me and them in Your divine servitude and protection, in Your protectorship, in what is entrusted unto You, in the midst of Your party, in Your sanctuary and shelter - from every demon, possessor of power, human or jinn, from tyrants and enviers, from predatory beasts and serpents and scorpions, and from every crawling creature under Your control. Say: He is Allah the One! O Allah, verily I beseech You, for my sake and theirs, for whatever You choose from Your goodness which no one other than You possesses. In You, O Allah, I seek refuge from the evil of myself and the evil of others, and the evil my Lord has created, forged, and designed. Allah is more powerful, stronger, and greater than what I fear and guard against. In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing can cause harm in the earth and the sky, and He is the All-hearing and All-knowing. In the name of Allah, Lord of the seven heavens, Lord of the seven earths, and Lord of the mighty throne. Wird of Imam an-Nawwawi: English Translation. Allahumma inni as-aluka li walahum min khayrika bikhayrika-ladhi la yamlikuhu ghayruk. Wird of Imam an-Nawwawi: Transliteration.